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Full Spectrum Woman

A 90 Day Transformational Journey to build an UNSHAKEABLE relationship with yourself and create the life you deserve and desire.

You are here because you are ready to dive deeper with yourself than ever before. 


You are ready to fiercely commit to yourself and creating the life YOU TRULY WANT.


You are ready to fall in love with yourself and dismantle shame.


You are willing to feel the full spectrum of emotions, even the hard ones, to set yourself free. 


You are devoted to nurturing yourself and finding  safety, love, and connection within. 


You are ready to bring more of yourself to life, you're done hiding & you're here to SHINE.


You are a woman taking responsibility for your life once and for all. CHOOSING YOURSELF. No longer dwelling in the past, but taking courageous steps forward in becoming the woman you know you're here to be.


If this is you, you're in the right place. 



The Language Of Your Body

I use a powerful healing modality with my clients called Somatic Experiencing. It is a science backed therapeutic healing modality that is body-centered. This approach focuses on helping you release stored energy and trauma held within the body in a gentle and effective way. Instead of traditional talk therapy, which can be very heady, SE brings awareness to connecting with sensations, movements, and physical responses so that you can learn the unique language of your own body and nervous system. A large emphasis of SE is working with the Nervous System and its impactful role in healing from trauma. The Nervous System is responsible for how we respond to life every single day. Whether we are living in survival mode, or able to actually thrive is dependent on our Nervous System resilience. Through our work together I help you become more aware of your own body, so you feel empowered and capable to move through life outside of survival mode, build confidence to advocate for your needs, have more choice in your life, and build a strong and resilient relationship with your body & soul.

Somatic Experiencing
Somatic Experiencing


You live in devotion to yourself and put yourself first. You no longer stress about what others think about you. You know what you deserve and you're not afraid to claim it.


Play is a priority in your life. You prioritize things you love and embrace FUN. Play, dance, sing, create, whatever makes your spirit come alive is a key component in your life!


You have amazing boundaries. You know what you're available for and what you're not. You have clear access to saying no or yes without fear.. You're not afraid of rejection and you no longer sacrifice yourself for others.


You are connected to your body. You know how it communicates to you and how to slow down and listen. You honor your body and what it needs. 


You are in-tune with your emotions and welcome what needs to be felt. You understand that feeling sets you free, and you have the tools to support you in feeling deeply.


You LOVE yourself. You EMBRACE yourself. You know you are whole. You are not defined by your past, but recognize what you have lived through has been an important part of your journey. You are free from self doubt and inner criticism. Free of shame and embodied in your WHOLENESS. You love and accept all of who you are.


Sustainable Transformation.

This is a 90-day journey we take together. During this 3 months we will unravel the knots that are keeping you stuck, so your power, magnetism, and brilliance can SHINE. The work we do together is slow, intuitive, and rich with compassion. Working with trauma and re-wiring our patterns of protection requires empathy and embodied change. I am here to help hold you accountable to the change and transformation you desire. Having me as your coach is like feeling the safe, warm and supportive hands of a massage therapist, gently working out the knots you didn't even know where there, helping you feel and liberate the unseen. By the end of our time together you feel incredibly empowered, connected to yourself and living as the worthy woman you are.


This work allows you to become more embodied day by day as you remain devoted to the commitment of coming back to yourself and your inner wisdom.  Life will always come with ups and downs, it's not about eliminating challenge but how you move through and meet those moments. You will begin to see hard moments as beautiful opportunities, or even gifts, which help you become the most empowered and capable version of yourself possible. 


Here's a taste of what working together looks like:

  • Assessing your desires, goals, and focus for our time working together.

  • Building connection, intimacy, and trust between the two of us so you can feel supported and seen.

  • Understanding the role of radical responsibility and agency over your experience so we have clear boundaries to work with.

  • Body - Mind connection. Cultivating a deeper relationship with your body, sensation, voice, and emotions. Learning how your Nervous System Functions.

  • Creating a foundation of Spiritual awareness and practice to support you in your journey that feels most aligned with you.

  • Building a relationship with your inner world, naming outdated stories and belief systems.

  • Taking action in small digestible steps that create sustainable progress day by day.

  • Working with your unique nervous system to create more range, capacity, awareness, and resilience to move out of survival flight, fight, freeze, appease responses and into liberation.

  • Allowing trauma to be released from your body with the modality of Somatic Experiencing, where you learn how to expand your capacity to feel, be present with what is, and build connection to your inner world.

Although we will have goals working together, there is no "agenda". Every session will be based in meeting you exactly where you're at and what will best support you. This is intuitive work that doesn't always flow in a linear way, but inevitably gives you exactly what is needed and brings you where you are meant to be. 

About Anjali

My journey has been one of magic and grit. Raised an only child by two parents who were struggling with their own inner conflicts, addictions, and pain. At a young age I was on a quest to secure love in anyway I could by becoming whoever people wanted me to be. I was lost, with little self esteem, drinking, doing drugs, dating whoever showed interest in me, and wallowed in a sea of self pity. But one day I decided to change that story. In 2018 I made a decision to change myself and my life. I began working with therapists, coaches, and mentors to support me in learning to love myself and heal from my past trauma. Before I knew it, my energy shifted and I began to prioritize myself like never before. Feeling connected to my sense of worthiness, reclaiming my voice, and coming back home to my body. Today I am so grateful to guide women down the same path of Feminine power and self reclamation. I've witnessed hundreds of women learn how to love themselves from a deep place within and move by following their own inner compass. 


It would be an honor to support you on your journey as well.


Clients Testimonials

My 1:1 work started my relationship with Anjali. Through the months we worked together, I became aware of deeply ingrained codependency patterns and self-abandonment. Having weekly time to sit with a woman who so solidly mirrors what it looks like to have and express clear and healthy boundaries was seriously life changing. Anjali truly embodies what she teaches, something that only comes from years of devotion to her own liberation. I then joined The Sisterhood, which has been a great way to have continued support from Anjali as well as a community of women who are all committed to their own liberation and empowerment. It is beautiful how one woman’s story can be a teaching and inspiration for many others, which is something I’ve experienced a lot while in this group container. I love Anjali, and I deeply admire her commitment to showing up so authentically, her professionalism is impeccable and she is a woman of impact. I’ve made it a goal of mine to surround myself with people who are good for my wellbeing, and Anjali is at the top of the list.

—  Islay Smedley



Your ROI is deeper love for yourself, more freedom of expression, living in your power, and feeling incredibly fulfilled in life. It is such a gorgeous commitment to yourself, your healing, and your life. Some of the greatest decisions we make in our lives are the ones where we fiercely choose ourselves and the support that will help us THRIVE. 

​​$3,000 PIF
$1,050 for 3 months
$550 for 6 months

Place your hand over your heart and declare:
"I am worthy of the life I crave. I choose myself and my power. I liberate myself from smallness and fear. I get to have it all."

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