Hi! I'm Anjali Romaniuk
The visionary here inside Radical Woman. I'm so grateful you're here and I can't wait to connect with you!
In 2013, I stepped into a journey of discovering who I truly was, and what it would be like to build a life beyond my wildest dreams. At one point, I was living in a traumatized state, on autopilot. Disassociated from my body, settling for less than what I deserved in friendship, and the victim of my circumstances. My nervous system was perpetually stuck in survival mode. I didn't know how to get out or move forward. All I knew was how to play small in order to feel safe, and that came with chronically abandoning my own self which worked until I decided I had suffered enough.
As my self awareness grew I became conscious to my many patterns, belief systems, and habits I created to keep myself in a comfortable hell. I knew that in order to become the woman I came here to be, I had to heal my deepest wounds to step into my own power.
All the somatic tools, insights, lessons, and spiritual practices I gained over the years are exactly what I teach to my clients now, and it's such a gift.
For the past 10 years I've been on a deep healing journey of my own while sharing my wisdom with women all over the world.
Healing Trauma Through The Body
Somatic Experiencing is a healing modality that greatly shifted my own path of healing past trauma.
After years of mindset work, manifestation practices, NLP, EMDR, I was introduced to the magic of Nervous System Healing.
It's no doubt that we can heal and resolve so much of our trauma through talk therapy, but it seems that the body often gets overlooked or forgotten about.
The truth is that unresolved trauma lingers in the Nervous System as well, in our physical being. When we learn how to work with the body, listen to it, and cultivate safety within it, we get to experience healing on a whole new level which transforms the way we walk through life.
If you're interested in learning more about Somatic Healing and Nervous System work, grab my free training below.
Our Core Values
The energy behind Radical Woman
At the heart of Radical Woman is service. Our creations are made with the intention that they serve you.
Showing up and being who I am unapologetically within this community.
Creating a safe space for women to come together and experience the power of sisterhood.
A loaded term, but the center of my work is aligning with what is undeniably true.